
Shadowbox Jerseys

A shadowbox frame is a terrific way to preserve, protect and display your sports jerseys!!!  Whether you have a signed jersey from one of your favorite players...or a memento from your glory days...bring it in!!!  We'll design a display that you'll be proud to hang in your own hall of fame.  We work with all sorts of jerseys and we utilize a variety of techniques. Some customers prefer a relaxed the Peyton Manning jersey shown above.  We also offer the more traditional flat style pictured below.  Many times our customers will bring in additional items to incorporate into the player cards, tickets, etc.  Whatever you have...bring it in!!!  We've framed lots of jerseys and we know how to get the look you want.  We also know the proper conservation your jersey will be well preserved for future fans to enjoy!!!

Lone Ranger Magnet Lone Ranger Magnet $5.00